Hiatus mode OFF!

This is nothing but a notification that M~’s hiatus mode has finally come to an end. It’s after several months of daily momma quirks that I’ve finally found some (stolen) time to have this blog revamped! I never had any idea on what my blog’s theme should be. Neither on what to write nor what url to use. I got so lost on my thoughts (being an introvert, it’s a struggle!). Not until I became a Momma. Finally! I now have something to write and share to the world! Things I am proud of, my advocacies, my adventures as a momma and all my never-ending blah blahs!

Nostalgic Momma will be a blog for all the first (even second, third of fourth) time Mommas like me so feel free to share your thoughts ‘coz I don’t bite at all. I can be your friend, your support system, your cheerer in everything! 😉

Hi, I’m Momma Mitchikels! Let’s be friends! 🙂


Let me hear your thoughts! :)